Update for CloudLinux 5 & 6 has been released addressing the GLIBC GHOST remote vulnerability.
To update:
$ yum update glibc
Official Link:
Update for CloudLinux 5 & 6 has been released addressing the GLIBC GHOST remote vulnerability.
To update:
$ yum update glibc
Official Link:
Some great updates coming from cPanel with version 11.48. Today they announced that it is in CURRENT Tier. Below you will find some of the new updated features and the official link.
Note: None of Hostlumina cPanel Servers will be updated until it is in STABLE Tier.
Official Link: http://cpanel.net/11-48-now-in-current-tier/
Two FreeBSD updates have been released to address a couple of security vulnerabilities. It is recommended you update as soon as possible.
Official Links:
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to post a quick reminder to always keep your WordPress installs up to date. Unfortunately, vulnerabilities exists in every software and individuals are always looking to exploit them.
The latest WordPress release is 4.1 and it can be downloaded at the official WordPress site or it can easily be installed or updated via Softaculous that is offered to all our hosting clients.
Also, we do recommend you read and follow the steps to hardening your WordPress install. You find this at the following official link:
Best Regards,
Hostlumina Team